
Jurnal sistem pendukung keputusan
Jurnal sistem pendukung keputusan

jurnal sistem pendukung keputusan jurnal sistem pendukung keputusan jurnal sistem pendukung keputusan

SAW is a decision support system method that determines the best alternative by calculating the weighted sum of the performance ratings on all alternatives across all criteria. The method used in this research is simple additive weighting (SAW) method. To assist buyers in choosing air conditioners because the types of air conditioners are increasingly varied in terms of price, model and quality, a decision support system is needed that can assist buyers in choosing an air conditioner that suits their needs. One solution to save on the use of electrical energy is to choose the right air conditioner as needed so that electricity use can be more efficient. This makes the use of electrical energy in Indonesia also increasing, excessive use of electricity can cause problems such as global warming. Sales of Air Conditioners (AC) in Indonesia have increased due to the increase in temperature in Indonesia every year.

Jurnal sistem pendukung keputusan